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PADI MSDT instructor course Nusa Penida

Get your PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating in Nusa Penida

Ready to venture to the next level of your dive training? 
After becoming an instructor, you can reach the PADI MSDT certification level, by completing 5 specialty instructor courses. This allows you to broaden the courses you can teach and is the first step towards the IDC Staff Instructor qualification. 

PADI MSDT course

In order to complete this program, you will need to be a certified and active PADI Instructor. You can select the 5 specialties that you would like to complete. Over the course of 5 to 6 days, we will complete some theory for each speciality and do the training dives where you will get to practice and teach the required skills. 

We can offer a wide range of specialties, some of the most popular include :

  • Deep Diver

  • Enriched Air Nitrox

  • Drift Diver

  • Sidemount Diver

  • Adaptive Teaching

  • Naturalist

  • Oxygen Provider

MSDT nusa Penida

MSDT course schedule & pricing

Your MSDT course can be scheduled throughout the year, depending on availability. We would be happy to advise you on which specialities may be the best fit for your skills, interests and the area you want to teach in. The MSDT course is taught by one of our Course Directors


PADI MSDT Course: 9,500,000 IDR

This includes all your training dives, lunch on training day and all required PADI materials. 

PADI MSDT fees: payable directly to PADI upon application and after completion of the course

- 131 $AUD per specialty

- 178 $ AUD for MSDT application 

MSDT training
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